For your safety, do NOT eat anything for at least 6 hours prior to the time of your procedure. You may have water up to 2 hours prior to the time of your procedure.

Continue all of your usual medications as prescribed unless you are taking blood thinners (such as Coumadin, Plavix, Lovenox) or insulin. You may take your morning medications with a sip of water.

If you are taking blood thinners such as Aspirin (Goody’s powder), Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Coumadin, Plavix, or Lovenox, ask the physician who prescribes this medication if they feel it is safe for you to discontinue them before your injection. Below is the number of days required to discontinue each medication prior to your procedure:

If you are taking Aspirin (Goody’s powder), Non-steroidal Antiflammatory’s (Ibuprofen or Naproxen),Coumadin, you must stop this medication 5 days prior to your procedure, with approval of the prescribing physician.

If you are taking Plavix, you must stop this medication 7 days prior to your procedure, with approval of the prescribing physician.

If you are taking Lovenox, you must stop this medication 24 hours prior to your procedure, with approval of the prescribing physician.

If you have diabetes, make sure to eat a light meal 6 hours prior to your procedure.

If your procedure is scheduled prior to 12 pm, HOLD your morning insulin dose.

If your procedure is scheduled after 12pm, take half of your morning insulin dose.

Bring your insulin with you.

If your procedure involves sedation you MUST have a driver. The only exception is Special Transit Services (STS).

Wear comfortable clothing and low-heeled shoes.

Please leave jewelry and other valuables at home.

If you arrive 30 minutes later than your scheduled procedure time your procedure may be delayed or cancelled.

We prefer patients to be well hydrated for procedures – this helps with IV.

Prior to Your Procedure:

You will have an IV started, if sedation is involved.

Your doctor may prescribe sedation to help reduce discomfort and anxiety.

The entire process from checking in to being discharged takes approximately 2 hours.

After Your Procedure:

The office staff will inform you of your next clinic visit prior to your discharge.

After Discharge from the Surgical Facility:

Do not operate a vehicle or heavy machinery 24 hours after you have received sedation.

Pain relief may occur immediately after the procedure, but may also take several days. A few days of soreness after the procedure are normal. Some procedures may take several days to effectively relieve pain.

We suggest applying ice to injection sites for 20 minutes and then removing for 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle of applying ice for the first 24 hours.

Notify the office if you have a fever (body temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher)